Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tales of the unexpected

My life seems to currently be filled with unexpected expenses. Also with expected expenses, but its those pesky unexpected ones that cause all the trouble.

This week I took my bike in for a service. Should have been nice and easy. But it turns out that its not that simple. I had my steering lock replaced early this year after someone attempted to steal my bike. It never worked properly afterwards, and I called they guys who fixed it and they said to bring it in when I got the chance and they'd check it out again. Well, I got a bit busy and the bike was usually in the garage at home so I forgot about it, but it turns out that the whole thing is completely wrecked. Again. Probably because it wasn't fixed properly the first time. Its now too late to make them fix it for free.

I'm getting seriously cranky though. This is the second serious screw up by these guys. They managed to loose a complete set of keys to the bike and it's locks some time ago and stopped taking my calls when I demanded that they replace all the locks. I'm going to get stroppy with them this time. I'll be back every week if they dont get it right.

Monday, August 23, 2010


This place is completely bonkers. It should be nice and quiet for the next week at least while our illustrious leaders squabble amongst themselves for power. But instead of settling in for a nice little rest period, it seems that the minions must be kept occupied and so work has been invented for us. Today was spent trawling the internet for any chance passing statements by the key 'crossbenchers' relating to our work. For the record, that is neither an interesting nor especially enjoyable task. Even Google gets annoying after the first 40 or so nearly identical but no quite searches.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better. I'm not counting on it though.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Follow up

I decided not to have pancakes. I had bacon and eggs instead.

The boy seems nice enough. Was a bit nervous, but I dont hold that against him. We'll see what the future holds.

In the balance and pancakes

It should be an entertaining couple of weeks. It seems that the Australian people are not all of the same mind when it comes to the running of the country. It will be an interesting lesson in the representative government process if it is nothing else.

In lighter news, I'm off for brunch today with someone new. I firmly believe that it is good to arrange first face to face meetings over food. It provides something to do with your hands, and hands are usually the first thing that start displaying evidence of nervousness. A coffee cup is ok, but wielding a knife and fork is much more involved and hence more effective.

I'll let you know how it goes.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Election day

This is NOT the place for political discussion, but I have to express my disappointment with the candidates this year. This state is renowned for its political kooks. Every election you get a few odd sorts, independent's and small parties throwing their hats in the ring. Its usually pretty entertaining to see how much of the vote they get.

This time however, its like they have all given up and gone home. My ballot had just three names and the senate bill just 7 - and only one independent.

I'm disappointed.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Hint taken

Ignoring people sometimes works. In this instance it has now been 4 days with no more texts or emails. Its nice that it's over cleanly.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Take the hint!

As previously mentioned, I blew off a date last week because I had a migraine. I wasn't that keen on the guy anyway, and he wasn't thrilled that I blew him off so I wasn't too fussed. But he seems to have gotten over his sulk and has texted, called and emailed 5 times since saturday lunchtime. I have tried to fob him off gently without saying outright that he just isn't that interesting (or more accurately is quite annoying and slightly offensive with his constant derogatory jokes).

I am now resorting to ignorance. If polite refusals to catch up aren't going to cut it, then I am just not going to respond any more. Seriously, how many times do you have to say 'no thanks' before they get the hint?

I hate dating. I really do. I'm not really a people person, I like my own space and I'm not big on 'going out' all the time (apparently this is why I am classed as an introvert on the Myers-Briggs scale) but I dont want to invite random boys home. I also dont like hurting people, so I try for a soft landing. But this is one time I may have to get blunt and tell him to back off. I hope not. It makes me feel sick just to think about it.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Small triumphs

Today I finally managed to pass my P's test on my motorbike*. As a friend put it, as an adult there are not very many moments of triumph that provide that feeling, the one that puts a huge grin on your face and stills the fluttering of your heart for a few moments. It is a moment that should be cherished. And I will. For a whole week or so. In fact, it will probably last all the way through till I go down to the RTA on Monday and get my license updated. I'll show it to a few people, most of whom wont care, and then it will just be another one of those things I've done.

So, excuse me while I go and send everyone I can think of a text to skite about my achievements (I will point out that this was NOT my first attempt and therefore, its all really quite tragic).

* Well actually a friends motorbike, because mine is a total pain to get through the silly maneuvers, but it means I can ride my bike with a shiny new P plate instead of the yellow L of shame.

Sometimes its true

Yesterday, I really did have a headache. A migraine in fact. I dosed up on the meds, napped, and managed to avoid vomiting all over my keyboard at work. But I had to excuse myself from a couple of events because of it. My work drinks, not really an issue - they could see that I was green. My catch up with a friend, no biggy, she knows me well, and has seen me when green. But I was meant to be having dinner with a boy. A new boy, who I've only met once before. That wasn't such a great thing.

Its never a good story. Sorry, but I have a headache. Most people dont suffer from true migraine and have no idea how it really affects you. Its not just the pain, which is certainly not fun. But for me, it means the blurred vision and nausea as well. If I'm not careful, I really will decorate the place with vomit. Its also quite difficult to get yourself home when you cant see properly and you have to keep swallowing bile.

I have excellent medication. But I cant drive after taking it. So its a fine line, getting home in the window between onset and disaster, then dose up, and hide from the world for as many hours as possible. Avoid loud noises and light. Sleep, and lots of water help.

My date - well I doubt I'll get a second chance. He seemed a bit miffed. And to be honest, I wasn't that into him anyway.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Yes this is another one of THOSE blogs

What else is a blog for if not to be used as a means of expressing those disatisfied feelings we all suffer from? Of course, the point is to make it entertaining for those reading it. Which I hope this will be.

Why write a blog? Well, everyone around me seems to find my life terribly entertaining, so why not share it with the world?

What's it going to be about? Well...... Life! Key points to note will be the trials and tribulations of dating in the modern world (including that lovely new form of interaction called 'internet dating'), the really bizarre things that happen to me and those around me and of course what is commonly referred to as 'stream of consciousness' ie. whatever comes into my head (I will try and keep this to a minimum as its seldom very interesting to anyone, including me).

So, hopefully I will be interesting, but if not, then I imagine I'll get bored soon and go away.