Friday, January 14, 2011

A week in the life

This week has been something of a mad whirl. I'm sure you've all been in the same position as I have, for i have a new job to go to. As of Thursday next week, I will be in a new Department, and performing a completely different range of tasks.

So this week has been madness. Trying to tie up loose ends (which have been proving quite difficult to find, let alone tie).  Today, because of the miracle of flex time, I did not have to go to work. Having built up a whole 8 hours of flex over the last several months, and flex not being portable, I took today off. Instead of working, I did three loads of washing, cleaned the laundry (which I admit hasn't had a good clean out since I moved in 9 months ago) cleaned half the bathroom (having cleaned the other half on Wednesday), weeded and cut back the jasmine in the garden and cooked. So to be honest, I think I worked harder today than I normally do at work!

But on the plus side, my place is much cleaner (less a bag of miscellaneous mould which may at some point have been oranges) and I did not spend the whole day in front of a computer screen so I can actually focus on distant objects tonight!


  1. "a bag of miscellaneous mould which may at some point have been oranges"


  2. Yes - the smell was terrible, and the ooze was very unpleasant!!!!
