Thursday, February 3, 2011

A land of drought and flooding rain....

Of course, the whole world knows that right now its the later that is plauging the citizens of Australia. 2/3 of Queensland and large chunks of NSW and Victoria went underwater just days ago, and now Yasi is taking care of the only dry bits of Queensland.

Lets not forget that at the same time, parts of Victoria are burning.

For those of us familiar with cyclones, being in Canberra last night was quite interesting. Ex-cyclone Anthony swung by on his way out of the country after touring the western regions of southern Queensland and NSW. He was still backing a punch too. Unpredictable winds, rain, lightening.

Of course, not even a patch on Yasi, which according to the experts was stronger than Hurricane Katrina when it hit the coast, though thankfully smaller - but not much!! Yasi is a monster compared to Larry or Tracey, and frankly leave Anthony looking like a squawling child having a tantrum while a war rages outside the window.

Thankfully people in QLD know that cyclones are a serious threat. Even little ones can do a lot of damage. So hopefully Yasi will leave a path of destruction, but be relatively fatality free.


  1. I went straight to ANC News this morning, and other than 170,000 homes without power (so far!) it looks like things turned out better than expected. Right now Yasi is a lot milder (compared to itself...) and is hitting North SA. Hopefully they're prepared.

    Louise Curtis

  2. I hear that there are no reported fatalities so far. How did your parents hold up? My Mum spent the cyclone with my sister and my niece in Townsville. Hopefully she'll have a house to go home to!
