Sunday, February 27, 2011

A short lesson in history....

Well, really, its just a catch up on where things are at seeing I've been too busy and too tired and too lazy to fill you in on whats going on.

So just over a month ago I started a new job. Its turned out to be a really interesting role, which has real implications for other people. Its also quite intense and after 7 1/2 hours at work, I'm pretty exhausted.

Added to this, I'm house hunting. I've done the sums, and finally have the cash available for a deposit, and for the same money I'm currently paying in rent, I can actually buy a place a few k's down the road. It's actually in a different state, but its relatively cheap compared to the city and there are some really quite nice places around. Its just a matter of waiting for one that I like to come along.

This week, I've been sick. Three days at home in bed feeling miserable on what I am convinced are the last days of good weather we will see here this year. I have a real conviction that as soon as I'm healthy enough to actually get back outside and enjoy the sunshine, it will run away and the 8 months of winter will descend. 

Anyway. I still feel pretty blah, and its time to try and force some sustenance down so I'll leave it there. Hope everyone elses month has been great!!!!


  1. I was beginning to wonder if you'd ever come back. I have Vitamin D tablets, if you want them.

    Louise Curtis

  2. I've been thinking about it on and off.... Trying t find the energy and inspiration to write something. I dont want to just write crap, but being interesting is hard, and I dont think I have been that interesting a times.

  3. other than starting a new job and looking to buy a house, sure. boring as.

  4. Oh dear! I hope you feel better soon!
