Saturday, December 11, 2010

Welcome the Grinch

I am feeling particularly grinch-like today. I haven't been out today - exposed to the madness - but the season is definitely upon us, and it weighs heavy.

I have reached the point that the mere thought of it makes me want to hide under the blankets until its over. The countdown has begun - it is only 14 days until its over.......


  1. Right there with you. I'm scared to venture outside due to Christmas-season driving. Terrifying.

    Louise Curtis

  2. If only we could go back to a time where christmas was just about getting together with family and/or friends to share a meal, instead of all this over the top consumerism and its associated obligations and expectations...I just want the holiday!

  3. @ Anonymous - it can still be that. The change starts with us. My Christmases are exactly that.

    Sorry you're feeling down, hun. Hope you survive the silly season in one piece!
