Thursday, September 22, 2011

Spring in the Capital

Spring has sprung in Canberra. Its beautiful! The weather is divine - cool crisp mornings, and sunny days.

But there are traps to spring. Suddenly dawn breaks so much earlier, flooding my bedroom with searchlight strength brightness at an unholy hour. Plants erupt with flowers, triggering horrendous hayfever for those sensitive to it.

But for me, the worst is the wildlife.

If you haven't heard possums mating, then you've missed a true Australian experience. But at 2 in the morning in the gum tree outside my window, it is a very unwelcome sound. As are the shrieking birds at 4 am (well before dawn). The dog that barks up the road. And the neighbour who gets picked up at 5 am by a large truck......

I think I want winter back.


  1. Hah hah hah! That's... kinda awesome. I very much enjoy how you include the neighbour as wildlife. Nice.

  2. Oh dear. You managed to live somewhere that couldn't possibly have possums in the roof. . . and they're right outside your window.

    Louise Curtis
