Monday, February 28, 2011

Public transport isn't all bad......

Now normally, public transport is one of those things that like everyone else, I complain incessantly about because it doesn't go where I need it, it never runs on time, and is largely populated by rude, ignorant people who dont care that they shoved you out of the way when you are getting off at the same stop, stepped on your toe, coughed in your face, had excessively loud and obnoxious conversations on their phone which you had to listen to....... Etcetera.....

I use it because the process of finding and paying for a carpark in the city is both painful and ridiculous expensive. I drive as far as possibly can, park for free and take the bus for the absolute minimum distance (one stop - but its a long walk particularly if the weather ain't great, and today it is raining!).

But today, having been sent home from work because the coughing, sneezing, pasty white face and general germiness of my appearance was making people feel uncomfortable (plus, I actually do feel like crap), I climbed onto the bus to confront to of the nicer elements of public transport.

1. The ticket machine was out-of-order so free transport! and

2. there was some really nice eye candy sitting in just the right position that the 'staring vaguely out the window' bus attitude was a perfect cover for enjoying the view. The best possible way this happens is when you get a particularly taught backside in well fitting pants standing 6 inches from you while you have a seat, but today, I just got a perfect view of some great shoulder, arm and back muscles in a not too tight shirt.......

Before someone else says it - yes, I was objectifying the strapping young lad on the bus. But I wasn't obviously ogling him, did nothing insulting or annoying and if we are at all honest with ourselves, we all do it - the important thing is that you do it discretely.

So despite being remarkably full of snot and phlegm, and feeling pretty miserable, its not such a bad day.....

Oh - and public transport isn't always hell - just about 99% of the time!


  1. Hah hah hah! I've yet to see someone worthy of objectifying on public transport! Glad you had some luck at least.

  2. You're simply admiring a beautiful thing. Ain't NOTHING wrong with that.

    Louise Curtis

  3. It is a city of fitness freaks..... and Greenies..... so there is a high proportion of nice bodies that take buses.....
