I went to the shops today. I had no choice, the cupboard was bare. The madness of the christmas season has already begun. Its at this time of year that what little courtesy is left in normal society is completely lost. People lie cheat and steal - they take parking spaces when they know someone else was there first, they push you out of the way in their rush to get to whatever store it is that might just sell out of whatever it is that they want. They forget the basic rules of movement in crowds (KEEP LEFT PEOPLE!!!!).
They line up like lemmings at the checkouts and whine about all the other people who have dared to venture out shopping on the same day as them. (although it isn't helpful that the stores only have 3 operational checkouts - remember folks, it is only 3-ish weeks till christmas!) They suddenly realise that they have forgotten something that cant possibly wait till the next time they are out, and dash off into the bowels of the shop when there are only 3 items left to be scanned.
I have even seen them take items out of other peoples trolleys when other shoppers aren't paying attention because they see something the like, or its run out on the shelf.
There is something about christmas that brings out the very worst of society......
Wow! I've never seen it get that bad! That's atrocious! I'd give people a piece of my mind for taking things from others' trolleys.
ReplyDeleteI'm lost for words.
So much for goodwill to men....