Today I caught up with a friend over tea at one of those 'artsy' places. You know the type, a conglomeration of various arty shops and cafes, strung out around courtyards and gardens. Beads, homewares, clothing, a bit of everything. And a pretty cool hat shop.
It had quite a lot of other stuff too of course (because those sort of places can never stick to one thing). Scarves and coats, knick knacks and ornaments. But hats were clearly the main offering. Everything from fake fur caps with ear flaps to akubra's and 'going to the races' jobs. Fedora's and top hats, clouche hats and the classic 'volvo driver' caps, sun hats and fascinators. It was a lot of fun trying them on and seeing how ridiculous they looked.
I think I shall have to go back with a camera.